The Contra Costa Elder Abuse Prevention Project is a partnership of organizations that serves elders who are experiencing physical, psychological, financial and emotional abuse.
Who We Are
Public/Private partnership between the non-profit Family Justice Center, Meals on Wheels Diablo Region, Senior Legal Services, and the following Contra Costa County Agencies: Department of Aging and Adult Services (Adult Protective Services and the Public Guardian), Behavioral Health Ombudsman Services, District Attorney’s Victim Witness Program.
The purpose of the Elder Abuse Prevention Project is to prevent and combat the abuse, neglect and exploitation of elders and dependent adults in Contra Costa County. To accomplish our mission, we seek to increase:
Identification and resolution of elder financial abuse cases in Contra Costa County;
Safety of elder victims of abuse as evidenced by an increase in victims receiving services and reporting safety;
Understanding of the many forms of elder abuse by County service providers across disciplines, leading to better service coordination; and
Community awareness and understanding of elder abuse.